Technicien Frigoriste Itinerant - France, Bordeaux - €32,000 - €35,000

Technicien Frigoriste Itinerant

France, Bordeaux

€32,000 - €35,000


Job Description

Partout dans le monde, les individus, les entreprises et les pays n'aspirent qu'à une chose : se bâtir un avenir meilleur. Un avenir qui a besoin d'énergie et des conditions adéquates pour prospérer.

Dans cette optique, notre compagnie travaille sans relâche pour satisfaire, à tout moment, l'ensemble de vos besoins en électricité, en chauffage et en refroidissement. Si nous y parvenons, c'est fort de notre expérience internationale unique, de notre savoir local et de cette passion qui nous caractérise.

Notre compagnie recrute en CDI un Technicien Frigoriste Itinerant, basé à Bordeaux :


Why Us?

·        Salaire base 12 mois / Prime de bonus annuelle / Véhicule de service attitré

·        Heures supplémentaires rémunérées ou récupérées au-delà de 35 H travaillées

·        Carte ticket restaurant (9 E / Jours), déplacements en région pris en charge

·        Horaires de travail de jour 5 j par semaine + Astreinte selon planning équipe.

·        CSE (avantages et chèques cadeaux)


Les titulaires de postes sont généralement basés sur le terrain et se concentrent sur la prestation de programmes de maintenance planifiée pour assurer un fonctionnement fiable et sûr des actifs. Les activités comprennent :


·        Coordonner et entreprendre une gamme d'activités de maintenance dans le cadre de procédures d'exploitation définies.

·        Effectuer des inspections de sécurité et se conformer au règlement de sécurité notre compagnie.

·        Fournir des conseils techniques de premier niveau aux clients.

·        Peut résoudre/dépanner les problèmes de mise en œuvre.


Niveau de responsabilité :

·        Professionnels débutants ou emplois hautement expérimentés en opérations/techniques/soutien.

·        Généralement terminé des études supérieures / une qualification ou nécessite une connaissance opérationnelle technique experte des procédures et des outils obtenue grâce à une vaste expérience de travail.

·        Premier point d'escalade pour les situations non courantes.

·        Fournit une assistance et une formation aux employés de niveau inférieur.


Principales responsabilités :

·        Assurer l'achèvement des réparations et des révisions dans les délais, conformément aux normes et dans les limites des budgets convenus pour les réparations spécifiques et les budgets généraux du service.

·        Veiller au respect des règles de sécurité et des normes de qualité.

·        Réaliser la maintenance totale des équipements.

·        Maintenir les niveaux de stock des matériaux requis et s'assurer que les outils appropriés sont en place et prêts à l'emploi.

·        Signaler et documenter les défaillances des composants.

·        Contribuer à la performance et à la capacité optimales de l'équipe en fournissant un travail de qualité pour maintenir et améliorer la fiabilité de l'équipement.

·        Aider, soutenir et former l'équipe de service.

·        Tester et évaluer les générateurs remis à neuf et réparés et préparer des rapports de test conformément aux normes ISO.


We’re experts, which means you’ll have the following skills and experience:

·        Minimum 3 ans d'expérience

·        Diplôme Universitaire/Diplôme de Spécialité/Formation Professionnelle

·        Connaissances électriques indispensables ;

·        Permis de conduire B valide indispensable

·        La capacité à travailler dans une équipe soudée

·        Capacité à résister à la pression

·        Solides compétences en leadership

·        Bien organisé, capable de gérer plusieurs tâches de manière contrôlée.

·        Pensée analytique avec une attention aux détails dans des scénarios d'ingénierie complexes

·        Bonnes compétences interpersonnelles et de développement du personnel

·        Excellentes compétences en communication orale et écrite (anglais, français)

Technicien Generateur (Groupe Electrogene) - France, Mulhouse - €32,000 - €34,000

Technicien Generateur (Groupe Electrogene)

France, Mulhouse

€32,000 - €34,000


Job Description

Partout dans le monde, les individus, les entreprises et les pays n'aspirent qu'à une chose : se bâtir un avenir meilleur. Un avenir qui a besoin d'énergie et des conditions adéquates pour prospérer.

Dans cette Optique, Notre Compagnie travaille sans relâche pour satisfaire, à tout moment, l'ensemble de vos besoins en électricité, en chauffage et en refroidissement. Si nous y parvenons, c'est fort de notre expérience internationale unique, de notre savoir local et de cette passion qui nous caractérise. 

Notre Compagnie recrute en CDI un Service - Technician, basé à Mulhouse :


Why Notre Compagnie?

·        Salaire base 12 mois / Prime de bonus annuelle

·        Heures supplémentaires rémunérées ou récupérées au-delà de 35 H travaillées

·        Carte ticket restaurant (9 E / Jours),

·        Véhicule de Service

·        CSE (chèques vacances, chèques cadeaux noël,)

·        Description de l'emploi


Les titulaires de postes sont généralement basés sur le terrain et se concentrent sur la prestation de programmes de maintenance planifiée pour assurer un fonctionnement fiable et sûr des actifs. Les activités comprennent :


·        Coordonner et entreprendre une gamme d'activités de maintenance dans le cadre de procédures d'exploitation définies.

·        Effectuer des inspections de sécurité et se conformer au règlement de sécurité notre compagnie.

·        Fournir des conseils techniques de premier niveau aux clients.

·        Peut résoudre/dépanner les problèmes de mise en œuvre.


Niveau de responsabilité :

·        Professionnels débutants ou emplois hautement expérimentés en opérations/techniques/soutien.

·        Généralement terminé des études supérieures / une qualification ou nécessite une connaissance opérationnelle technique experte des procédures et des outils obtenue grâce à une vaste expérience de travail.

·        Premier point d'escalade pour les situations non courantes.

·        Fournit une assistance et une formation aux employés de niveau inférieur.

Principales responsabilités :

·        Assurer l'achèvement des réparations et des révisions dans les délais, conformément aux normes et dans les limites des budgets convenus pour les réparations spécifiques et les budgets généraux du service.

·        Veiller au respect des règles de sécurité et des normes de qualité.

·        Réaliser la maintenance totale des équipements.

·        Maintenir les niveaux de stock des matériaux requis et s'assurer que les outils appropriés sont en place et prêts à l'emploi.

·        Signaler et documenter les défaillances des composants.

·        Contribuer à la performance et à la capacité optimales de l'équipe en fournissant un travail de qualité pour maintenir et améliorer la fiabilité de l'équipement.

·        Aider, soutenir et former l'équipe de service.

·        Tester et évaluer les générateurs remis à neuf et réparés et préparer des rapports de test conformément aux normes ISO.


We’re experts, which means you’ll have the following skills and experience:

·        Minimum 3 ans d'expérience

·        Diplôme Universitaire/Diplôme de Spécialité/Formation Professionnelle

·        La capacité à travailler dans une équipe soudée

·        Capacité à résister à la pression

·        Solides compétences en leadership

·        Bien organisé, capable de gérer plusieurs tâches de manière contrôlée.

·        Pensée analytique avec une attention aux détails dans des scénarios d'ingénierie complexes

·        Bonnes compétences interpersonnelles et de développement du personnel

·        Excellentes compétences en communication orale et écrite (anglais, français)

Sector Sales Representative (BS&C) - France, Lille - €43,000 - €48,000

Sector Sales Representative (BS&C)

France, Lille

€43,000 - €48,000


Job Description

Partout dans le monde, des personnes, des entreprises et des pays luttent pour un avenir meilleur. Un avenir qui a besoin de puissance et des bonnes conditions pour réussir. C'est nous qui gardons les lumières allumées et contrôlons la température. Nous embauchons immédiatement un Sector Sales Representative - un rôle essentiel pour s'assurer que nos clients obtiennent l'électricité, le chauffage et la climatisation dont ils ont besoin.


Pourquoi notre compagnie?

·        Poste en CDI, Basé en région Nord / Lille (FRANCE)

·        Bonus Commercial très motivant

·        Véhicule de Fonction

·        Horaires de jour du lundi au vendredi ; 

·        Salaire de base 12 mois

·        Advantages notre compagnie


Principales responsabilités:

·        Élaborer et exécuter un plan de vente et de marketing pour développer les activités, y compris les objectifs de revenus des produits.

·        Identifier et évaluer de nouvelles opportunités potentielles et fournir des recommandations appropriées pour stimuler les ventes de produits / augmenter la part de marché.

·        Mettre en œuvre/soutenir le plan des comptes nationaux.

·        Assurer le divertissement des objectifs de revenus mensuels, trimestriels et annuels.

·        Aider à établir une clientèle dans laquelle promouvoir et solliciter de nouvelles affaires diversifiées et continues.

·        Élaborer et mettre en œuvre des plans de vente annuels pour atteindre un budget de vente via des objectifs de secteur de marché et de territoire.

·        Soumettre des rapports d'analyse de marché concernant l'activité des concurrents, les projets potentiels et les tendances du marché.

·        Maintenir et mettre à jour en permanence le système d'enregistrement des clients de l'entreprise et rendre compte de l'activité des appels.

·        Veiller à ce que le réseau de clients actuels et potentiels soit élargi et maintenu par le biais d'appels de vente externes hebdomadaires en face à face et par téléphone.

·        Préparer et soumettre des propositions qui incluent les détails techniques et commerciaux des besoins du client conformément aux termes et conditions notre compagnie .

·        Acquérir une bonne connaissance des pratiques administratives internes, y compris toutes les procédures de location et le système de suivi rapide, la connaissance des produits et le fonctionnement du dépôt dans son ensemble.

·        S'assurer que tous les détails des clients et des opportunités sont gérés et conservés dans le système de gestion de la relation client (CRM) conformément aux procedures notre compagnie


Qualifications requises :

·        Une expérience dans les métiers de la location de 2 ans minimum, dans un poste similaire est un plus. Expérience globale souhaitée de 5 ans minimum ; Vous êtes à l'aise avec les applications numériques.

·        La connaissance de Sales Force est un plus.

·        Poste en Home Office, vous avez d’excellentes compétences interpersonnelles et de communication ;

·        Vous appréciez particulièrement le travail au sein d’une équipe d’experts, êtes persévérant, fiable, engagé et vous avez une forte appétence commerciale orientation client.

·        Bonne connaissance de l’outil informatique, y compris utilisation de systèmes CRM

·        Langues : langue locale indispensable et notions d’anglais souhaitables

·        Connaissances théoriques et/ou pratiques de l’environnement interentreprises (B to B)


Compétences requises :

·        Orienté service au client, bonnes capacités rédactionnelles (professionnelles et commerciales)

·        Aisance et efficacité de contact téléphonique

·        Flexibilité : s’adapter aux changements des demandes et des priorités

·        Connaissances techniques en production d’électricité et/ou froid et climatisation (souhaité)

·        Capacité à travailler de sa propre initiative et en tant que membre d’une équipe

·        Capacité à planifier, organiser et prioriser sa propre charge de travail


Qualités requises :

·        Volonté de résultat : souci réel de parvenir à des standards d’excellence et d’atteindre des « changements par étape » en matière de résultats opérationnels

·        Exécution des tâches : fiable et impliqué dans l’exécution satisfaisante des tâches confiées

·        Résilience : persévérance, positivité et autonomie

·        Responsabilité : tourné vers le résultat par une prise de responsabilité personnelle

·        Souci du client : comprendre l’importance des besoins du client, qu’il soit interne ou externe,

·        S’employer à les satisfaire et développer les relations

·        Travail en équipe : s’engager et construire des relations avec ses collègues

·        Haut niveau d’engagement, dévouement et professionnalisme

Technician - Electrical - USA, Owings Mills - $65,000 - $85,000

Technician – Electrical

USA, Owings Mills

$65,000 - $85,000


Job Description

Around the world, people, businesses and countries are striving for a better future. A future that needs power and the right conditions to succeed. We’re the people who keep the lights on and control temperature. We are excited to announce that we are expanding our Electrical Services business and now hiring for our new Electrical Services Hub in Baltimore! We are hiring immediately a full-time Technician II - Electrical, a role that is critical in making sure our customers get the electricity, heating and cooling they need.


Why Us?

·      Full-time with potential for overtime and/or weekends

·      Annual bonus program

·      No cost medical plan option available

·      Robust technical training programs, in person and virtual, on diesel, gas, compressed air, electrical, controls, oil free air compressors, HVAC, microgrid & storage and more

·      Career growth opportunities and tuition reimbursement available

·      Safety-focused culture working on brand new technology


What you’ll do:

·      You’ll be based out of our Baltimore service center

·      You’ll have an opportunity to work overtime and weekends, and there is a potential for travel

·      You will work on both low and medium or high voltage switchgear including breakers with relays, motor-starters, VFD’s, load break switches and transformers

·      Assemble, install, test, and maintain electrical or electronic wiring, equipment using hand tools and power tools

·      Test electrical systems and continuity of circuits in electrical wiring and equipment, using standard testing devices such as ohmmeters, voltmeters, meggers, Hipot and TTR test equipment as well as observing functions to ensure compatibility and safety of components

·      You will either work on your own or teamed up with a technician(s) to set up and operate equipment at the shop



We’re experts, which means you’ll have the following skills and experience:

·      High School diploma/GED or equivalent

·      1-2 years of formal technical training

·      6+ years' experience in the installation, repair, and maintenance of electrical switchgear, this includes both low voltage and medium or high voltage power distribution gear

·      Understanding of protection relays and meters

·      Experience with calculating nominal and effective tonnage and/or kW requirements, along with mechanical background, reading and understanding schematics

·      Ability to move or lift objects, typically less than 50 lbs.

Senior Wastewater Treatment Project Manager - USA, Dublin, Newark, Toledo, Cincinnati, Bedford - $115,000 - $130,000

Senior Wastewater Treatment Project Manager

USA, Dublin, Newark, Toledo, Cincinnati, Bedford

$115,000 - $130,000


Job Description

It is a rare opportunity to get to shape the evolution of a company emerging in the AEC industry. Our people do it every day. Be a part of building the next great comprehensive environmental, energy, water, and civil infrastructure consulting firm. Partner with your peers and leaders to make a lasting, positive impact on society through some unique projects affecting our clients and our communities.


We are seeking a Senior Project Manager in Water & Wastewater Treatment to join our growing team. This position provides detailed water and wastewater treatment design skills within a multidiscipline team of engineers and scientists working within a team environment. The selected candidate will become part of an established engineering practice working on water and wastewater treatment, sewer collection, potable water distribution and storage, and pump station projects. With ample opportunities for career advancement and our great benefits, we are sure to give you a challenging yet satisfying job experience!


This position can be located in any of our Newark, OH, Dublin, OH, Toledo, OH, Cleveland, OH, or Cincinnati, OH offices.



·        Role of a seller-doer, taking a project from proposal development through design and construction

·        Establish project budgets, schedules, and contracts

·        Assist practice leader with project revenue forecasting

·        Design water and wastewater projects for municipal and industrial clients including treatment and process design

·        Prepare and review contract documents including technical specifications and construction drawings

·        Prepare and review detailed studies and reports

·        Plan, schedule and perform/coordinate all phases of the design process.

·        Provide quality control and peer review of work products

·        Help identify, develop and secure project opportunities

·        Assist with proposal writing/preparation

·        Supervise and mentor staff within the group

·        Promote collaboration and teamwork

·        Attend meetings with municipal officials, engineers, and contractors.

·        A self-starter with the ability to work independently but also works well in a team environment

·        Excellent organizational skills.

·        Professional written and oral communication

·        Takes accountability for commitments while maintaining quality and meeting budgets and deadlines

·        Strong knowledge of water and wastewater industry standards



·        B.S. Civil Engineering, Environmental Engineering, or other related engineering field and 15+ years of experience in water and wastewater including design, analyses, and studies

·        Knowledge of civil plans and relationships among sheet types within a plan set

·        Professional Engineer license in Ohio

·        Demonstrated project management skills

·        Successful experience in managing a team

·        Proficient with MS Office suite, AutoCAD Civil 3D is a plus

·        Existing relationships with municipal and/or industrial clients are a plus

·        Must be a US citizen or permanent resident


We are an equal opportunity employer and is highly supportive of personal and professional growth. Our work environment favors assertiveness, creativity, collaboration, and forward-thinking, and you will join other individuals that place a high value on working hard and having fun.

Lead MS Dynamics Technical Consultant - Bulgaria, Sofia - Лв.60,000 - Лв.110,000

Lead MS Dynamics Technical Consultant

Bulgaria, Sofia

Лв.60,000 - Лв.110,000


Job Description

We're looking for a proactive and creative Lead Technical Consultant for Microsoft Dynamics 365 to integrate into our growing teams working across a diverse mix of clients.

The Dynamics 365 Technical Consultant role is a unique hybrid of business and technical consultancy with the ability to operate as a technical lead focusing on the Dynamics 365. As the lead technical consultant for multiple client projects, this person is responsible for the successful onboarding and overall technological direction for those projects and works as a liaison between the client, project management and operations team to design and deliver high quality, scalable technical solutions.

The successful candidate will be able to display thought leadership, technical expertise, and the ability to manage cross-division teams from project inception to completion.


As part of your daily work, you will:

·        Form part of a team of highly skilled consultants - there is not much we don’t know about marketing technology implementation!

·        Demonstrate technical expertise while scoping and driving the creation of marketing and data solutions, ETL, platform configuration, APIs, integrations, and other platform developments.

·        Lead discovery workshops, gather business, marketing, and technical requirements to craft a comprehensive and scalable solution.

·        Create architecture diagrams and flow charts on both system architecture and detailed solution levels while documenting the technical solution design of the Dynamics 365 platform.

·        Own delivery tasks from initial scoping, planning and requirements analysis, through to discovery, design, development, testing, and deployment.

·        Architect data feeds, platform configuration, and components needed to run complex automated email campaigns.

·        Identify and resolve problems including client data feed issues.

·        Act as a consultant and technical expert on Dynamics 365 to serve clients’ needs.

·        The team is experienced in multiple software technologies, you will have the option to cross train and enhance your knowledge – you could expand your product portfolio with a range of other tools (Adobe Experience Cloud, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Braze, mParticle, Bloomreach)

Payment Policy Manager - USA, Remote - $95,000 - $105,000

Payment Policy Manager

USA, Remote

$95,000 - $105,000


Job Description

It’s an exciting time to join our company, a growing regional health insurance company with a 25-year history of providing health insurance that works for our members, no matter their circumstances.


The Payment Policy Manager is responsible for managing cross-departmental implementation of changes to payment and billing policies as necessary due to regulatory changes, contractual changes, or as a result of claims data findings. The Payment Policy Manager will collaborate with internal departments to define requirements and to document those requirements sufficiently to ensure accurate implementation of payment rules within the Plan’s adjudication system, including the claim editing system, iCES. The Payment Policy Manager will also review current payment policies and compare them to those used by competitors, state regulatory agencies, and CMS to evaluate and recommend changes, and upon approval incorporate such changes into materials. As directed by the department manager, he/she will project manage regulatory changes that impact payment methods or rates, and help drive analytics to support decision-making. Additional specific duties and responsibilities include:


Our Investment in You:

·        Full-time remote work

·        Competitive salaries

·        Excellent benefits


Key Functions/Responsibilities:

·        Develops and maintains corporate payment policies, and works collaboratively with the Clinical Editing Manager to ensure consistency with the Plan’s adjudication system(s)

·        Monitors DHHS, EOHHS, and CMS websites, listservs and other sources to identify existing payment practice and upcoming changes. Determines the scope and impact of the change on Plan operations and seek to implement changes as necessary

·        Staffs and participates in various work groups and committees to support payment policies and provides input into processes and workflows reliant on payment policy outcomes

·        Serves as the department’s project manager for: (1) regulatory information such as proposed and final Medicare and/or Medicaid payment regulations, Medicare Manual updates, DHHS and EOHHS fee schedules; and (2) regulatory issues. Determines the scope and impact of the information/issues and take appropriate action

·        Collaborates with Public Partnerships, Contracting, Medical Economics, Provider Relations, Benefit Administration, Business Configuration, and Provider Audit/OPL to determine the impact of implementing recommended policy changes

·        Develops project plans including: setting timelines and deliverables; determining resource requirements; documents decisions; draft communication plan; information-sharing with appropriate staff and seek approval from the Payment Policy Committee; and subsequently ensure successful completion of change

·        Serves as the company’s research specialist regarding Medicare and Medicaid payment policies.

·        Serves on the Operational Excellence Committee to ensure a consistent understanding of operational changes as they relate to payment policies and their downstream impact within the Claims department

·        Submits recommendations to the Payment Policy Committee and supports Committee efforts through subgroups and individually as needed

·        Collaborates with stakeholder departments to develop and maintain a database to serve a centralized location to store payment methodology information.

·        Researches, identifies and proposes opportunities for medical cost savings, improves claim auto adjudication rate and payment accuracy



·        Bachelor’s Degree in a related field or the equivalent combination of training and experience


Education Preferred/Desirable:

·        Master’s Degree or graduate work in a related field preferred

·        Coding Certification for Payers (CPC-P) preferred

·        AHIMA or other nationally recognized Coding Certification preferred



·        6 or more years experience in a fast paced, managed healthcare environment is required.

·        6 or more years direct work in claims processing, payment policy, or contracting.

·        Extensive background of ICD-9 and CPT coding principles

·        Extensive knowledge of medical claim editing (NCCI, etc.)

·        Experience working with industry standard methods of payment including DRG, APC, RVU, etc.

·        Experience working with Medicaid, Medicare and commercial coding rules/ regulatory requirements.


Experience Preferred/Desirable:

·        Medical chart auditing


Competencies, Skills, and Attributes:

·        Demonstrated proficiency in coding and knowledge of the requirements of industry standards such as Medicare and/or Managed care regulations required.

·        Strong understanding of HIPAA Guidelines

·        Good communication skills, both oral and written, ability to interact well with others at all levels, strong organizational skills, strong customer service skills and orientation.

·        Expertise utilizing Microsoft Office products, including Project and PowerPoint

·        Knowledge of OptumInsight iCES product, or similar claims editing system

Recruiter - Philippines, Manila - ₱452,000 - ₱700,000


Philippines, Manila

₱452,000 - ₱700,000


Job Description

Around the world, people, businesses, and countries are striving for a better future. A future that needs power and the right conditions to succeed. We’re the people who keep the lights on and control temperature. We are hiring immediately for a Recruiter – a role that is critical in making sure our customers get the electricity, heating and cooling they need.


Why Us?

·        Full-time, remote position to be located near Manila with the ability to visit a local company site regularly

·        Flexible paid time off

·        Work from home

·        Competitive compensation

·        Annual bonus program tied to company and individual performance


What you’ll do:

·        Recruit full cycle, from source to hire for blue-collar and white-collar roles located across Africa, Middle East and APAC. Roles will mostly include field service technicians with potential for direct sales professionals and other roles as needed

·        Partner, consult and advise business leaders by developing and driving strategies to recruit talent in highly competitive labor markets

·        Ensure our staffing needs are filled in a timely manner

·        Build diverse talent pipelines using creative sourcing methods including referrals, online sourcing, partnerships, and events

·        Pre-screen candidates by phone or video for knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide recommendations for next level interviews

·        Organize and facilitate interview debriefs

·        Drive offer approval, extension, and negotiation

·        Track candidate and pipeline activity in our Applicant Tracking System (Workday) and LinkedIn Recruiter

·        Measure and report on sourcing and recruiting metrics (ex. source of hire and time-to-fill)

·        Deliver an exceptional hiring manager and candidate experience


We’re experts, which means you’ll have the following skills and experience:

·        5+ years full-cycle recruiting experience

·        Experience recruiting mechanical and electrical technicians, sales, professional, engineering and/or leadership positions

·        Relentless drive to find and connect with the best talent, and a proven track record for assessing talent beyond matching keywords on a resume

·        Proficient in Applicant Tracking Systems to source, track and manage candidates – preferably Workday

·        Advanced sourcing experience using LinkedIn, Indeed and other databases

·        Strong organizational skills to balance a requisition workload

·        Understanding of the local employment law as it applies to hiring and interviewing

·        Bachelor’s degree or relevant experience

·        Fluency in English (professional)

·        Additional language fluency, preferred but not required

Recruiter (Dutch/English) - Netherland, Klundert/Moerdijk - €52,000 - €75,000

Recruiter (Dutch/English)

Netherland, Klundert/Moerdijk

€52,000 - €75,000


Job Description

Around the world, people, businesses, and countries are striving for a better future. A future that needs power and the right conditions to succeed. We’re the people who keep the lights on and control temperature. We are hiring immediately for a Recruiter – a role that is critical in making sure our customers get the electricity, heating and cooling they need.


Why Us?

·        Full-time, remote position to be located near Moerdijk with the ability to visit a local service center regularly

·        Flexible paid time off

·        Work from home

·        Competitive compensation

·        Annual bonus program tied to company and individual performance


What you’ll do:

·        Recruit full cycle, from source to hire for blue-collar and white-collar roles located in the Benelux and throughout Europe. Roles will include field service technicians, direct sales professionals and other roles as needed

·        Partner, consult and advise business leaders by developing and driving strategies to recruit talent in highly competitive labor markets

·        Ensure our staffing needs are filled in a timely manner

·        Build diverse talent pipelines using creative sourcing methods including referrals, online sourcing, partnerships, and events

·        Pre-screen candidates by phone or video for knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide recommendations for next level interviews

·        Organize and facilitate interview debriefs

·        Drive offer approval, extension, and negotiation

·        Track candidate and pipeline activity in our Applicant Tracking System (Workday) and LinkedIn Recruiter

·        Measure and report on sourcing and recruiting metrics (ex. source of hire and time-to-fill)

·        Deliver an exceptional hiring manager and candidate experience


We’re experts, which means you’ll have the following skills and experience:

·        5+ years full-cycle recruiting experience

·        Experience recruiting mechanical and electrical technicians, sales, professional, engineering and/or leadership positions

·        Relentless drive to find and connect with the best talent, and a proven track record for assessing talent beyond matching keywords on a resume

·        Proficient in Applicant Tracking Systems to source, track and manage candidates – preferably Workday

·        Advanced sourcing experience using LinkedIn, Indeed and other databases

·        Strong organizational skills to balance a requisition workload

·        Understanding of the local employment law as it applies to hiring and interviewing

·        Bachelor’s degree or relevant experience

·        Fluency in Dutch and English (professional)

·        Additional language fluency, preferred but not required: French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian and/or Spanish

Recruiter - UK, Glasgow - £30,000 - £45,000


UK, Glasgow

£30,000 - £45,000


Job Description

Around the world, people, businesses, and countries are striving for a better future. A future that needs power and the right conditions to succeed. We’re the people who keep the lights on and control temperature. We are hiring immediately for a Recruiter – a role that is critical in making sure our customers get the electricity, heating and cooling they need.           


Why Us?

·        Full-time, remote position to be located near Glasgow with the ability to visit a local company site regularly

·        Flexible paid time off

·        Work from home

·        Competitive compensation

·        Annual bonus program tied to company and individual performance


What you’ll do:

·        Recruit full cycle, from source to hire for blue-collar and white-collar roles located in the UK and throughout Europe. Roles will include field service technicians, direct sales professionals, IT and other roles as needed

·        Partner, consult and advise business leaders by developing and driving strategies to recruit talent in highly competitive labor markets

·        Ensure our staffing needs are filled in a timely manner

·        Build diverse talent pipelines using creative sourcing methods including referrals, online sourcing, partnerships, and events

·        Pre-screen candidates by phone or video for knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide recommendations for next level interviews

·        Organize and facilitate interview debriefs

·        Drive offer approval, extension, and negotiation

·        Track candidate and pipeline activity in our Applicant Tracking System (Workday) and LinkedIn Recruiter

·        Measure and report on sourcing and recruiting metrics (ex. source of hire and time-to-fill)

·        Deliver an exceptional hiring manager and candidate experience


We’re experts, which means you’ll have the following skills and experience:

·        Experienced full-cycle recruiting of roles within an organization

·        Experience recruiting mechanical and electrical technicians, sales, professional, engineering and/or leadership positions

·        Relentless drive to find and connect with the best talent, and a proven track record for assessing talent beyond matching keywords on a resume

·        Proficient in Applicant Tracking Systems to source, track and manage candidates – preferably Workday

·        Advanced sourcing experience using LinkedIn, Indeed and other databases

·        Strong organizational skills to balance a requisition workload

·        Understanding of the local employment law as it applies to hiring and interviewing

·        Bachelor’s degree or relevant experience

·        Fluency in English (professional)

·        Additional language fluency, preferred but not required: Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian and/or Spanish

Recruiter - Fixed Term Contract - UK, Glasgow - £30,000 - £45,000

Recruiter - Fixed Term Contract

UK, Glasgow

£30,000 - £45,000


Job Description

Around the world, people, businesses, and countries are striving for a better future. A future that needs power and the right conditions to succeed. We’re the people who keep the lights on and control temperature. We are hiring immediately for a Recruiter (fixed term contract) – a role that is critical in making sure our customers get the electricity, heating and cooling they need.


Why Us?

·        Full-time, remote position to be located near Glasgow with the ability to visit a local company site regularly

·        Fixed term contract through 31 December 2023 with potential for permanent or continued contract work

·        Flexible paid time off

·        Work from home

·        Competitive compensation

·        Annual bonus program tied to company and individual performance


What you’ll do:

·        Recruit full cycle, from source to hire for blue-collar and white-collar roles located in the UK and throughout Europe. Roles will include field service technicians, direct sales professionals, IT and other roles as needed

·        Partner, consult and advise business leaders by developing and driving strategies to recruit talent in highly competitive labor markets

·        Ensure our staffing needs are filled in a timely manner

·        Build diverse talent pipelines using creative sourcing methods including referrals, online sourcing, partnerships, and events

·        Pre-screen candidates by phone or video for knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide recommendations for next level interviews

·        Organize and facilitate interview debriefs

·        Drive offer approval, extension, and negotiation

·        Track candidate and pipeline activity in our Applicant Tracking System (Workday) and LinkedIn Recruiter

·        Measure and report on sourcing and recruiting metrics (ex. source of hire and time-to-fill)

·        Deliver an exceptional hiring manager and candidate experience


We’re experts, which means you’ll have the following skills and experience:

·        Experienced full-cycle recruiting of roles within an organization

·        Experience recruiting mechanical and electrical technicians, sales, professional, engineering and/or leadership positions

·        Relentless drive to find and connect with the best talent, and a proven track record for assessing talent beyond matching keywords on a resume

·        Proficient in Applicant Tracking Systems to source, track and manage candidates – preferably Workday

·        Advanced sourcing experience using LinkedIn, Indeed and other databases

·        Strong organizational skills to balance a requisition workload

·        Understanding of the local employment law as it applies to hiring and interviewing

·        Bachelor’s degree or relevant experience

·        Fluency English (professional)

·        Additional language fluency, preferred but not required: Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, Polish, Swedish, Norwegian and/or Spanish

Recruiter (Romanian/English) - Romania, Stefanesti - €25,000 - €35,000

Recruiter (Romanian/English)

Romania, Stefanesti

€25,000 - €35,000


Job Description

Around the world, people, businesses, and countries are striving for a better future. A future that needs power and the right conditions to succeed. We’re the people who keep the lights on and control temperature. We are hiring immediately for a Recruiter – a role that is critical in making sure our customers get the electricity, heating and cooling they need.


Why Us?

·        Full-time, remote position to be located near Stefanesti with the ability to visit a local company site regularly

·        Flexible paid time off

·        Work from home

·        Competitive compensation

·        Annual bonus program tied to company and individual performance


What you’ll do:

·        Recruit full cycle, from source to hire for blue-collar and white-collar roles located in Romania, Italy, Spain and throughout Europe. Roles will include field service technicians, direct sales professionals and other roles as needed

·        Partner, consult and advise business leaders by developing and driving strategies to recruit talent in highly competitive labor markets

·        Ensure our staffing needs are filled in a timely manner

·        Build diverse talent pipelines using creative sourcing methods including referrals, online sourcing, partnerships, and events

·        Pre-screen candidates by phone or video for knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide recommendations for next level interviews

·        Organize and facilitate interview debriefs

·        Drive offer approval, extension, and negotiation

·        Track candidate and pipeline activity in our Applicant Tracking System (Workday) and LinkedIn Recruiter

·        Measure and report on sourcing and recruiting metrics (ex. source of hire and time-to-fill)

·        Deliver an exceptional hiring manager and candidate experience


We’re experts, which means you’ll have the following skills and experience:

·        5+ years full-cycle recruiting experience

·        Experience recruiting mechanical and electrical technicians, sales, professional, engineering and/or leadership positions

·        Relentless drive to find and connect with the best talent, and a proven track record for assessing talent beyond matching keywords on a resume

·        Proficient in Applicant Tracking Systems to source, track and manage candidates – preferably Workday

·        Advanced sourcing experience using LinkedIn, Indeed and other databases

·        Strong organizational skills to balance a requisition workload

·        Understanding of the local employment law as it applies to hiring and interviewing

·        Bachelor’s degree or relevant experience

·        Fluency in Romanian, Spanish, Italian and English (professional)

·        Additional language fluency, preferred but not required: Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Romanian, Polish, Swedish, and/or Norwegian

Recruiter - United Arab Emirates, Jebel Ali, Dubai - AED 158,000 – AED 250,000


United Arab Emirates, Jebel Ali, Dubai

AED 158,000 – AED 250,000


Job Description

Around the world, people, businesses, and countries are striving for a better future. A future that needs power and the right conditions to succeed. We’re the people who keep the lights on and control temperature. We are hiring immediately for a Recruiter – a role that is critical in making sure our customers get the electricity, heating and cooling they need.


Why Us?

·        Full-time, hybrid position to be located near Jebel Ali, Dubai with the ability to visit a local company site 2-3 days a week

·        Flexible paid time off

·        Competitive compensation

·        Annual bonus program tied to company and individual performance


What you’ll do:

·        Recruit full cycle, from source to hire for roles located across Middle East and Africa, and occasionally APAC. Roles will include field service technicians, direct sales professionals, and other roles as needed

·        Partner, consult and advise business leaders by developing and driving strategies to recruit talent in highly competitive labor markets

·        Ensure our staffing needs are filled in a timely manner

·        Build diverse talent pipelines using creative sourcing methods including referrals, online sourcing, partnerships, and events

·        Pre-screen candidates by phone or video for knowledge, skills, and abilities to provide recommendations for next level interviews

·        Organize and facilitate interview debriefs

·        Drive offer approval, extension, and negotiation

·        Track candidate and pipeline activity in our Applicant Tracking System (Workday) and LinkedIn Recruiter

·        Measure and report on sourcing and recruiting metrics (ex. source of hire and time-to-fill)

·        Deliver an exceptional hiring manager and candidate experience


We’re experts, which means you’ll have the following skills and experience:

·        Experienced full-cycle recruiting of roles within an organization

·        Experience recruiting mechanical and electrical technicians, sales, professional, engineering and/or leadership positions

·        Relentless drive to find and connect with the best talent, and a proven track record for assessing talent beyond matching keywords on a resume

·        Proficient in Applicant Tracking Systems to source, track and manage candidates – preferably Workday

·        Advanced sourcing experience using LinkedIn, Indeed and other databases

·        Strong organizational skills to balance a requisition workload

·        Understanding of the local employment law as it applies to hiring and interviewing

·        Bachelor’s degree or relevant experience

·        Fluency in English (professional)

·        Additional language fluency, preferred but not required

Workday Intergration Developer - USA, Milpitas CA Remote - $110,00 to $135,000

Workday Integration Developer

USA, Milpitas, CA Remote

$110,000 to $135,000



  • Strong experience in Workday’s Integrations – STUDIO, PECI, CC, DT, API, Calculated Fields..etc and Reports – ADVANCED, MATRIX, TREND. Etc

  • Good knowledge of Workday Core HCM , Compensation & Security

  • Functional exposure (e.g. solution consultant, business analyst) to designing end-to-end complex automations between multiple systems involving Workday

  • Solid technical foundation (even with limited hands-on experience) in enterprise SaaS / PaaS integration, automation, and API management platforms such as Dell Boomi, Mulesoft, ServiceNow Integration Hub etc..

  • Knowledge of SOAP, RESTful API’s and data structures (JSON), XML / XSLT

  • Exposure with Cloud business applications either in functional areas like Workday, ServiceNow, SAP HANA, Microsoft Sharepoint etc

  • Solid ITIL knowledge on service operations and service management. Experience with different project management approaches (e.g. waterfall, agile)

  • Vendor / stakeholder Management

  • Able to handle pressure in a fast-paced environment. Open-minded, creative and innovative.


Additional Responsibilities

  • Be part of Workday Technical DevOps team, supporting Workday Integrations/Reports that is an integral part of Core HR / HCM, TRP, LRN, T&A, COMP and BEN modules.

  • Virtual working in a global environment with culturally diverse teams and across many organizational boundaries (HR and IT)

  • Ensuring integrity of the end-to-end Workday landscape, data flows and integrations with connected systems throughout the change and deployment lifecycle

  • Driving value through automations: finding the opportunities by proactively working together with other internal IT or business stakeholders, creating solutions that add value, delivering and supporting them excellence

  • Manage demand pipeline, requirement gathering and definition, and make portfolio decisions

  • Manage both project delivery and operational support excellence (project delivery, support and changes to existing automations)


We are an Equal Opportunity Employer and considers applicants for all positions without regard to race, color, religion or belief, sex, age, national origin, citizenship status, marital status, military/veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental disability or any other characteristic protected by applicable laws.


The approximate annual base compensation range for this position is $100,000 to $1,35,000. The actual offer, reflecting the total compensation package plus benefits, will be determined by a number of factors which include but are not limited to the applicant’s experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities; geographic location; and internal equity.

Director Global Accounts Payable - USA. Remote - $100,000 - $137,000

Director Global Accounts Payable

USA. Remote

$100,000 - $137,000

Job Description

Our company is a world leader in gaming entertainment, offering a diverse range of products and services, including electronic gaming machines, social gaming, and casino management systems. We’re licensed in 240 gaming jurisdictions and operate in 90 countries around the world. Our team of over 6,500 employees deliver outstanding results by pushing the boundaries of innovation, creativity, and technology. Our mission is simple, we create the world’s greatest gaming experience, every day.


Job Description Summary

The Global Director Accounts Payable & Client Success, prime responsibility is to lead and manage the Accounts Payable team to deliver accurate and timely AP services, standardizing, and globalizing processes as well as partner with our key internal stakeholders to ensure continuous improvement to software that enhances their Accounts Payable experience.


Leading a team of up to 15 based in different regions, you will be accountable for ensuring our AP strategy is developed and executed in line with the organization’s objectives and goals with consideration of ensuring services are delivered on time and accurately in the Americas (USA, Canada, LATAM), Australia, New Zealand, Asia, EMEA, India, Digital.


As a leader you will also drive team engagement initiatives and support, through active participation in, broader finance team initiatives to drive culture, engagement, training, and transformation. The aim is to create a team culture of cross collaboration and establish cross functional teams based around same processes.


You will be in control of the entire AP function for us which include the end-to-end processing, payments, data integrity, compliance, controls and more. In addition, you will play a key role in the establishment of processes and their own new ERP and OCR and workflow system.


A part of the role is to support initiatives and projects with a view of expansion of AP services across the companies Group.


Job Requirements

·      Leading a team of up to 15, including 3 regional direct reports. Responsible for direct reports performance and development reviews, Drives cultural and engagement initiatives and positive leadership across the team.

·      Drive the cross regional collaboration leveraging best practices of AP processes and software usage to deliver results that exceed customer satisfaction.

·      Standardise and globalise process further using LEAN and process improvement tools and techniques. Having had some background or experience as a practitioner in prior roles.

·      Building effective relationships with key internal stakeholders to seek feedback on current AP services, software features, with a view to making improvements to processes as well as facilitate software enhancements.

·      Formulate and execute the current and future AP strategy to deliver superior customer experiences. Socialise and continually evolve the strategy with key stakeholders.

·      You will build out our stakeholder network by analysing, engaging, and maximising opportunities to improve the efficiency of their processes. Success in this role will be the design of innovative enhancements to the tools that generate improved efficiencies enabling long term user advocacy.

·      Your focus will be on identifying opportunities for product utilisation and being the subject matter expert for our users to operate and grow using Concur.

·      The ideal candidate will have impeccable relational skills and can create win/win environments for all parties that he or she works with. This candidate will be responsible for providing an excellent customer experience and helping our users achieve their desired goals.

·      Develop the global strategy on concur expansion globally through keeping a pulse on the Business.

·      Engage with Senior leaders on the Concur expansion strategy. Participate in the Concur global expansion.

·      Provide consultation to key internal stakeholders and potential new areas on enhancing Concur to improve internal controls and improve usage and adoption.

·      Identifies and problem solves issues and challenges and works proactively with other departments to put in place sustainable solutions, to avoid critical delays that could jeopardise overall services.

·      Ensures monitoring of team’s activities to ensure adherence to policy and procedures.

·      In-depth understanding of the following processes: invoice processing, payment processing, vendor enquiries, vendor master data, Expenses & Corporate Credit Card, Concur administration, intranet maintenance.

·      Directs the team to deliver accounts payable services to support these processes. Drives cross-training across the team as well as ensuring processes are documented and maintained.

·      Identifies, sponsors, or leads initiatives to support finance transformation to drive more efficiency, accuracy and scalability within the Accounts Payable team, including supporting robotics, BI and other automation/technology driven programs.

·      Supports external audit requirements by preparation of requested audit information, including process walk-throughs, sample evidence, analytics and responding to audit queries.

·      Undertaken number of expenses and AP transformation projects. Experience in on-boarding new businesses is valued.

·      Worked with both in house and externally hosted finance systems. Experience in finance system implementations would be an advantage

·      Support key business priority projects.



·      Degree qualitied in an accounting related or similar field.

·      LEAN Six Sigma skills with at least 3 years of practitioner experience.


Advanced Concur System Admin experience is required.

·      Minimum 5 years relevant experience in a similar leadership role.

·      Experience in a global organization with multi-regional teams and processes

·      Team management – including building and developing teams, with preference to multi-site teams. Be a driver of team culture and engagement.

·      Lead change initiatives across the team to support process improvement.

·      Attention to detail to support this gatekeeper role for compliance and control practices.

·      Willing to challenge the status quo

·      Ability to work in a fast-paced environment, including management of multiple deliverables to tight deadlines.


Why Us?                                       

·      World Leader in Gaming Entertainment

·      Robust benefits package

·      Global career opportunities

·      Supports Diversity, Inclusion and Equality

·      Flexible working policy

Health Equity Analyst - USA, Remote - $63,100 - $105,000

Health Equity Analyst

USA, Remote

$63,100 - $105,000

Job Description

Our company is a ~$4B system whose mission is to provide Exceptional Care without Exception. The Health System includes a tertiary academic medical center, a network of community Health centers, a Health plan and an affiliated accountable care organization.

We have recently launched BMC’s “Health Equity Accelerator” with the purpose of ‘transforming Healthcare to deliver Health justice and well-being’. The Accelerator is developing an innovative multi-disciplinary approach to address inequities. As part of this approach, the Accelerator is working on a comprehensive program to further advance our commitment to improving healthcare by holistically addressing all patient needs, including social determinants of health, mental health, addiction, and physical health. We are also committed to doing so in a way that closes any racial disparities in healthcare outcomes. In addition, we are continuing to invest in our analytic/data science capabilities to apply to healthcare challenges facing our System. We are looking for a Senior Analyst who can support this goal by working with clinical departments at BMC to identify health disparities and monitor/evaluate quality improvement efforts to reduce them.

Key projects may include: How have racial disparities in pregnancy outcomes trended over time since the launch of new initiatives? Are there disparities in the rates of high-risk diabetes patients receiving recommended care? What is the expected impact of certain social determinant of health interventions?

The Analyst will report to the Population Health Analytics team and will play a key role in the Accelerator leading analyses that will guide strategy, investigate performance drivers, and drive innovation that will improve the overall health of our patients. This role is ideal for analysts who have built a strong technical and analytic foundation, and who are looking to grow capabilities in strategic thinking, project management, stakeholder management, and presenting. 

Position: Health Equity Analyst

Department: System Analytics

Schedule: Full Time


Key Responsibilities:

·        Work independently with business leaders in the Health Equity team to scope and conduct analyses that help the organization understand and monitor performance, break down key drivers, and identify new opportunities

·        Guide clinical and business teams through metric development to ensure conducted analyses help answer the question at hand

·        Develop technical solutions to workflow-issues such as the utilization of data-collection tools and the development of worklists

·        Lead analytic projects such as segmenting our patients by health and social needs or data validation workstreams

·        Act as technical and analytic expert for the Health Equity team

·        Create reports and dashboards that effectively communicate performance to operational and clinical leaders and stakeholders

·        Translate complex analysis into simple visualizations that can communicate key takeaways to leaders and stakeholders

·        Understand health system data sources and support data architecture team to ensure that data is clean, normalized, and accurate

·        Establish credibility and trust in data integrity and accuracy across internal and external stakeholders

·        Present analyses to senior leaders and multiple stakeholders

·        Collaborate across the health system to ensure that assumptions and methodologies are consistent

·        Manage multiple projects and analyses simultaneously while meeting key deadlines and deliverables, and prioritizing time and resources

·        Identify and elevate key obstacles for intervention that may jeopardize timelines

(The above statements in this job description are intended to depict the general nature and level of work assigned to the employee(s) in this job. The above is not intended to represent an exhaustive list of accountable duties and responsibilities required).


·        Bachelor’s degree, preference for concentration in economics, math, physics, computer science, data science

·        Master’s degree in a related field (Economics, Computer Science, Statistics, Mathematics, Data Science, Social Science, Public Health), preferred




·        Two to four years of data analytics experience with progressive responsibility, working with large data sets to answer important clinical, operational, or business questions

·        Preference for experience working with healthcare data, including claims and electronic medical records

·        Experience working with data from Epic preferred; Clarity certification a plus

·        Prior Quality Improvement experience a plus.

·        Ability to query internal and external data sources using SQL required. Experience with Python or R a plus.

·        Ability to create digestible reports using Excel or Business Intelligence software required. Experience with Tableau a plus.

The Ideal Candidate:

We are seeking a top performing senior analyst to help us build a high performing analytic team that will find answers to difficult question across large and complex data sets.

The ideal candidate will be:


·        Technically proficient: Capable of extracting data, manipulating large data sets, cleaning and normalizing data, generating analysis and working through challenges independently

·        Strong analytic thinking: Effective at identifying the critical question, capable of navigating the trade-offs between accuracy / comprehensiveness / complexity vs. speed and simplicity, able to make independent decisions on how to adjust assumptions and analyses, can distill complex analysis into simple charts to communicate key takeaways

·        Interest in building up advanced modelling / data science skills to proactively identify opportunities and possible solutions

·        Curious and creative: Capable of finding the right analytic approach, always asking questions and testing the data and analysis to ensure that we are answering the right key questions

·        Outcomes-focused: Ability to manage multiple high priority projects simultaneously and prioritize to meet key projects

·        Passionate about our mission: Highest level of integrity and respect for colleagues and for our mission to provide Exceptional Care Without Exception to our patients and members

Financial Analyst - USA, St. Louis - $58,000 - $68,000

Financial Analyst

USA, St. Louis

$58,000 - $68,000

Job Description

We are currently in search of a Financial Analyst to join our Rehabilitation Division based in St. Louis, Missouri.


This position plays a key role within the finance group with the opportunity to work with individuals across the entire division. The senior analyst would primarily provide analytical support for operations, business development and financial reporting.


Key responsibilities:

·      Prepares and analyzes consolidated reporting at all levels of the organization on actuals, forecasts and prior fiscal year

·      Analyzes actual operating results and identifies key financial and operating opportunities; quantifies actual results versus forecast

·      Manages, in partnership with other staff, operating budgets, weekly forecasts, corporate General & Administrative expenses and revenue targets

·      Analysis of weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual KPIs

·      Responsible for developing financial modeling, financial statement analysis, decision modeling, reporting, and ad-hoc analysis to support strategic initiatives

·     Create and analyze pro formas for prospective partnerships

·      Support the business development team with knowledge of financials and pro forma models

·      Assist in the preparation and review of the company's annual operating budget including:

o  Detailed support and analysis of the company's revenue forecast and departmental budgets

o  Detailed support and analysis of balance sheet and associated cash flow forecasts and budgets

o  Development of presentations to help summarize budget results in a comprehensive and easy-to-understand format

o  Assists in the continued development of budgeting, financial forecasting, operating plan and modeling tools


 Role Essentials:

·      Accounting, financial analysis and budgeting knowledge

·      Excellent communication, analytical and interpersonal skills

·      Advanced skills in Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint

·      Highly motivated, with very strong work ethic and integrity

·      Ability to both create and present written communications to explain financial, technical or other information requiring analysis

·      Proven ability to think strategically and communicate financial opportunities

·      Ability to work independently


·      Bachelor's degree in Accounting, Finance or Business required

·      1+ years experience in financial analysis and accounting

·      Emphasis on experience conducting financial analysis, building projections and budgeting

*Depending on a candidate’s qualifications, this position may be filled at a different level


Our company is a leader in community-based care and driven by a mission of Making Communities Healthier. Our diversified healthcare delivery network spans 29 states and includes 63 community hospital campuses, 32 rehabilitation and behavioral health hospitals, and more than 170 additional sites of care across the healthcare continuum, such as acute rehabilitation units, outpatient centers and post-acute care facilities. We believe that success is achieved through talented people. We want to create places where employees want to work, with opportunities to pursue meaningful and satisfying careers that truly make a difference in communities across the country.

Imaging Services Director - USA, Wilson - $70,700 - $113,000

Imaging Services Director

USA, Wilson

$70,700 - $113,000

Job Description

Under the supervision of the Chief Operating Officer, manages the operations of the Radiology Services Departments and Outpatient Imaging Center. Work is of a confidential nature. Oversees recruiting and interviewing applicants and makes recommendations for final hiring decisions. Oversees the orientation and training of staff. Provides for the continuing education and professional growth needs of staff. Oversees the development and functioning of a quality assurance and quality improvement program and ensures that quality standards and performance criteria are established and monitored for trends, deviations and staff development needs.


Bachelor's degree in Radiology or related field required. Three years of Radiology department leadership experience. ARRT required. BLS certification required.


Approximately 50 FTEs.  There is a manager in place.

Logistics Project Manager - USA, Remote - $87,400 - $111,500

Logistics Project Manager

USA, Remote

$87,400 - $111,500

Job Description

In our ‘always on’ world, we believe it’s essential to have a genuine connection with the work you do.

Our company is recruiting a Logistics Project Manager to join our growing team! This is a remote role. Candidates will be based in the US.

How You Will Make An Impact:

• Assemble project teams, assign individual responsibilities, develop and track project timeline, quality, and budget.

• Coordinate data and analytics to support project execution and present to management

• Lead project governance and controls appropriate to the complexities of the project ensuring that project deliverables adhere to the agreed governance and risk frameworks.

• Build key relationships with stakeholders across all levels

• Lead “build-vs-buy” strategy including 3PL run or internally-operated facilities.

• Collaborate with DC Operations and Logistics Center of Excellence on in-region continuous improvement initiatives.

• Support strategic projects relating to regional transportation cost opportunities.

• Support and facilitate implementation and successful adoption of Logistics & Distribution technology systems (TMS, WMS, EWMS etc).

Required Qualifications For Consideration:

• 5+ years of work experience in Project Management

• 1+ years experience delivering complex and large-scale change projects that span across multiple business areas

• Experience with Microsoft Projects or similar project managing scheduling software

You Will Excite Us If You Have:

• PMP Certification

• Experience working in logistics

We want to enable our employees to do their best work, using the right technology and in a location that make sense for the business, customers, and everyone involved. Our Flex@Work program encourages our employees to have flexibility in their work environment. This program is available to all employees where demands of the job and personal preferred working styles meet in middle, combining in office and at home, remote working.

Our salary ranges consider a wide variety of factors including but not limited to benchmarking by independent third-party consultants, skill sets, years of experience, training, education, geography, and other business needs. Depending on experience, the range can be higher for candidates with exceptional experience and a demonstrated history of successful performance. The expected salary range for this position is $87,400 to $111,500.

The Candidate will be rewarded with a comprehensive benefits package, including, medical, dental, and vision plans, life and accidental death insurance, a 401(k) plan, and participation in the Company’s Incentive Plan. Candidates starting with the Company will be eligible for eleven paid holidays in a full calendar year, two weeks of paid vacation (prorated based on start date), as well as other leave options.

Why Us:

Our Company is on a quest to deliver connectivity that empowers how we live, work, and learn. Our employees push the boundaries of communications technology that enables game-changing discoveries like 5G, the Internet of Things, and gigabit speeds for everyone, everywhere. With our unmatched expertise in copper, fiber, and wireless infrastructure, our global clients rely on us to outperform today and be ready for the needs of tomorrow. If you want to grow your career alongside bright, passionate, and caring people who strive to create what's next…..come connect to your future with us. Our company is an Equal Opportunity Employer (EEO), including people with disabilities and veterans.